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SDG 4 – Quality Education
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English Department UGM conducted a Workshop on Spontaneous Translation on November 5, 2016, in Ruang Sidang 1 Gedung Poerbatjaraka, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM. The speaker for the workshop was Dr. Kitsie Emerson, a spontaneous translation expert. The workshop was organized by head of the English Department, Dr. Adi Sutrisno, M.A, and one of the lecturers of English Department, Dr. Eddy Pursubaryanto, M. Hum, who is also a professional puppeteer. Fifteen students of English Department attended the workshop.
Exceptionally presented in four different languages, the show was also accompanied by a spontaneous translation. Done in six languages altogether (Javanese, English, French, Arabic, Japanese and Indonesian), the spontaneous translation for the puppet show exudes some kind of spectacle and uniqueness to the show itself, not to mention the awe-inspiring experience for its audiences. Tiwi Pratiwi, Karina Anjani Rusli, Gilang Wicaksono, Ali Shahab, Siti Aminah, Amirul, Yoko Yoshida, and Dewo Dewi were named translators for the show.
Eddy juga diminta memberi satu presentasi tentang Wayang Kancil. yang diadakan oleh Faculti Muzik dan Seni Persembahan pada tanggal 17 November 2014 yang dihadiri oleh para mahasiswa dan dosen. Kuliah ini merupakan presentasi bulanan yang bertajuk Talk, Play, Think (TPT). Presentasi ini berisi demonstrasi musik dan seni pertunjukan oleh staf dosen, pembicara tamu, atau praktisi seni profesional. Presentasi dalam TPT diharapkan menjembatani gap antara teori dan praktek, antara akademisi dan praktisi. TPT merupakan upaya agar berbagai pengetahuan dapat di dapat melalui academic setting.
During their visit to Flinders University, the students:
The English Department would like to extend its international networking by sending Nur Saktiningrum to Monash University proposing several programs for both the American Studies Graduate Program and English Department Undergraduate Programs. There has been a preliminary discussion about this program via e-mail between the English Department which was represented by Nur Saktiningrum and Monash University represented by Eugene Sebastian and his staff.