Excelling Management and Administration Skill as Secretarial Division Members

Our English Department major held a recruitment event for its students to join the committees of events for an internal Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program. We joined the secretarial division, a division that carries out duties in the administration and file management. Beforehand, our secretarial team had to prepare several things that are related to administration. It was quite challenging at first because this was our first time taking responsibility for secretarial work. We created a registration form for those who expressed interest in participating in these occasions. Since all three events were organized in both offline and online meetings, a scheduled Zoom meeting link was arranged to facilitate the online attendees. After that, we prepared letters of invitation for them. We coordinated with the logistics department in order to handle any required facilities for the event. However, we were still learning throughout the process. Hence we occasionally asked for consultation or guidance from our supervised lecturers and fellow committee members in finishing our work. read more