Joining the IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) program has been the highlight of my academic life. Ever since I entered university, I wanted to join an exchange abroad so I could learn more about different lives and cultures. I wanted to make friends with people from other countries and compare how different or similar we are. My dream finally came true when I heard the information about a new program, IISMA. Not only would I get to experience becoming an exchange student, but I would also be funded fully by the government of Indonesia. I was lucky enough to receive the scholarship. Not only that but at a top university, the University of Edinburgh. In this reflective essay, I would like to share my experiences of the adjustments of my studying abroad as an exchange student in two different groups, namely the academic life and social life.
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Hello, folks! I am Nazra from English Department 2019, and I was awarded the IISMA scholarship during its 2021 pilot project. Here, I have written several bits of reflections that I deem to be notable during my study period in Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Studying in Ireland through IISMA was a lot of firsts for me: first time going away from home for a long period of time, first time going overseas, and first time studying abroad. Aside from now having something to casually flaunt about during family reunions, there are many perks and rewards that come with it. They can be divided into three categories: education-wise, soft skills, and personal experiences.
My name is Monica Audrey Widiany Kusteja Putri from batch 2018. I’m currently the last year of my undergraduate studies here the English Department, and in the fall of 2021, I was granted the most wonderful opportunity of studying abroad for a semester with the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards, at The Pennsylvania State University.
Who doesn’t love learning while traveling? To answer that question, let us take a look at the latest English Department UGM’s program Academic and Cultural Exchange UGM-NUS 2019. In cooperation with the National University of Singapore (NUS), this program carried out the theme of Celebrating Multiculturalism. Held on September 24-28 in Yogyakarta and October 19-23, 2019 in Singapore, approximately 14 students from UGM and 19 students from NUS joined this program, which was facilitated by UGM and NUS lecturers, Mala Hernawati, M.A., RahmawanJatmiko, M.A., and Miguel Escobar Varela, Ph.D.
Time | : | Wednesday, 6 November 2019 |
The English Department Universitas Gadjah Mada
English Days merupakan acara tahunan yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka memeriahkan Dies Natalis ke-73 Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Universitas Gadjah Mada, yang jatuh pada tanggal 19 September. Selama pelaksanaanya, English Days telah mengangkat berbagai tema yang menyoroti berbagai isu masyarakat, seperti tentang kearifan lokal melalui The Eternal Wisdom of Folktales pada tahun 2017 dan menyikapi era post-truth melalui Celebration of the Media pada tahun 2018. Tahun ini, kami mengangkat tema “Reveal Your True Colors” yang mendasari pentingnya merayakan keberagaman karakter dan identitas.
ICONESIA or International Conference on English Studies in Indonesia is a biyearly conference held by ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia), the purpose of which is to give rooms for all the English Lecturers to present their research papers and to solidify the collegiality of all members of the association under its national congress which is held in parallel with the conference. The theme of the 2019 conference is Towards the Future: Celebrating Cultural Differences, which caters for a broad range of disciplines such as Linguistics, Language, Translation, Literature, Education, and Cultures.
Menyadari akan pentingnya adanya sebuah konferensi mahasiswa sebagai forum untuk diseminasi ide atau gagasan, diskusi karya ilmiah, serta perlunya meningkatkan minat dan gairah mahasiswa untuk melakukan penelitian yang mempunyai luaran karya ilmiah, maka Prodi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada untuk pertama kalinya akan menggelar sebuah konferensi mahasiswa yang tidak hanya diselenggarakan untuk mahasiswa internal Prodi Sastra Inggris UGM tetapi juga terbuka untuk diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa Prodi Inggris dari universitas lain di seluruh Indonesia. Konferensi mahasiswa program sarjana (S1) ini dimaksudkan untuk memperkenalkan mahasiswa S1 terhadap forum-forum ilmiah sedari dini sehingga mahasiswa akan mempunyai kepercayaan diri untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam forum ilmiah.