On Saturday, September 30, 2022, the Community Service by English Studies Programme at Muhammadiyah Highschool in Bumiayu was carried out. On September 26, 2022, an online conference was held through Zoom prior to the main event. Dr Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani, the chief of community service, explained community service and the planned activities to the students of Muhammadiyah High School during the online conference. This service’s primary objective is to promote an application called Grammarly, bolster students’ confidence in English writing, and educate them on the dangers of plagiarism. After delivering an opening address, Muhammad Faqih Maftuh, S.Ag, the principal of Muhammadiyah Highschool, officially began the event at 9:00 a.m. in the school’s study hall.
The main event commenced immediately after the English Department professors of Universitas Gadjah Mada, including Dr Adi Sutrisno, M.A., Dr Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani, M.A., and Dr Tofan Dwi Hardjanto, M.A., delivered their introductory remarks on English writing. The Muhammadiyah Bumiayu students were attentively following the presented materials. The presentation’s focus was the application of Grammarly. It is an application that helps authors identify and automatically repair grammatical errors in their work. Bagas, one of the English Studies Programme students who also contributed as a presenter, demonstrated the methods, how-to’s, and tips and tricks for applying for the programme clearly and straightforwardly under the supervision of Dr Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani, M.A.
Students were assigned a brief article describing Bumiayu’s tourist potential to be completed after the presentation. After they finished, they were given a break while their essays were read, scored, and the best excerpts were collected for a booklet. Those whose articles were selected will be rewarded monetarily.
Everything went off without a hitch, and a quick photo session was arranged to honour the winners of the best-written essay contest thereafter.
Written by: Mohammad Anandhya Averill Sulistyo, English Studies Programme 2020
Proofread by: Adiba Qonita Zahroh, S.S., M.Litt.