Two representatives of English Department UGM: Alvanita, M. Ed. and Paris Mercurio visited MA Al Ikhlas Berbah on Saturday, 11 March 2024. This event is a part of community services conducted by English Department UGM. Headmistress of MA Al Ikhlas Berbah, Ika Bude Lestari, S.Pd., gave a warm welcoming speech in the beginning of the event. Afterwards, the presentation and Q&A sessions began.
In the presentation session, Alvanita, M.Ed. motivated the students to learn English. She highlighted how important it is to be proficient in English, especially if one wants to pursue higher education or professional careers. She also gave the students tips on learning English outside the class. The second presenter, Paris Mercurio told the students about her experiences living in the United States. She gave the students tips to overcome their nervousness when using English in conversations. The students, who were shy to respond at the presentation session, gradually became more engaged throughout the Q&A session.
Students and teachers of MA Al-Ikhlas Berbah responded positively towards the event, sharing their opinions that other programs to increase students’ interest in learning English should be conducted again in the future. The urgency of conducting those programs is due to low frequency of English learning in rural areas like Berbah, which is affected by the existing presumption of the lack of urgency to be proficient in English.
Alvanita, M.Ed. discussed the continuation of this program with the English teacher of MA Al-Ikhlas Berbah (Ervina Juli Aryani) after the event. One of the proposed activities is increasing English literacy through reading literature works. Every week, the students will read English short stories and write their reviews. Afterwards, an offline discussion monitored by Alvanita, M.Ed. and Ms. Ervina will be conducted every one or two months in order to track the students’ progress in learning English.