Welcome Greeting
from the Program Head
Dear students of 2022,
Welcome aboard.
On behalf of the English Studies Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada, I am honored to welcome you to this great study program as you embark on your academic journey that will define your career in the years ahead. All the staff of the Program will assist you to navigate your academic adventure, exploring your academic life, discovering new passion, and engaging your intellectual challenge here.
As head of the Program, I am delighted to share with you some personal observations about the best ways to take advantages of the opportunities for learning and personal growth that this study program offers. First thing first, it is essential that you attend classes. Not
attending a required number of classes may result in not obtaining satisfactory credits for the course. When attending a class, you are encouraged to participate in classroom discussions. The final grade that you receive in a course reflects a combination of assessments: a mid-semester and final examinations, case-based and project-based assignments, and class participation. Class participation involves contributing to class discussions: asking and answering questions in class. If you sit quietly and never ask questions and give opinions, your final grade may be adversely affected. Do not be afraid to speak in class, even if you are not totally sure of your answer, because speaking in class will indicate that you are thinking about the topic of conversation, and it may help you to clarify your thoughts on a topic.
Do not be afraid to ask your lecturers if you experience any academic problems. Lecturers have regular office hours during which you can make appointments or meet them to discuss your problems. Most lecturers are also willing to meet students outside their office hours on appointment. We are all here to help you navigate your academic journey.
I wish you all the best with your academic endeavors at the English Studies Program, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada.