Established on January 23rd 1946, Ikatan Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris (IMAJI), is an organization consisting of the students from English Literature Study Program. Formerly known as EDSA (English Department Student’s Association), IMAJI serves as the place for expressing and cultivating the interests and talents of the students. Through IMAJI, students can also gain the experience of structural organization for IMAJI is officially responsible for all the affairs concerning English Department, in cooperation with LEM FIB through a communication forum.

IMAJI 2018: Churchill's Cabinet

The Cabinet Structure of IMAJI 2018

Students' Activities

Students' Activities

Alumni Talk
Alumni Talk is a forum where alumni meet students, share career paths, offer insight, and introduce companies to students. The forum is organized by 'English Department Student Association Alumni' in cooperation with the English Studies Program and IMAJI or English Student Body. These events occur throughout the year and are open to all members of the English Studies Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

English Days
Generally, the events of English Days includes story telling competition, English speech competition for the Middle and High School students, along with seminars and/or workshops for public. Each year, English Days always performs a musical theatre as a way for the English Department students to showcase their talents. This collaborative performance of its actors and performers in acting, singing, dancing, and playing music is the main event of English Days.

English Days 2017
Adopting the theme of "The Eternal Wisdom of Folktales", English Days 2017 presented a rendition of a famed Javanese folktale, Lutung Kasarung, under the title of “Queen at Last”. The musical theatre performance took place on 12 November 2017 in Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY). Adding up to the spectacle of this event was the honorable guest star, Indonesian actor Landung Simatupang, starring as one of the characters in the musical. English Days chose musical theatre as the main attraction out of its series of events because through musical theatre, all artistic talents and potentials of the students, such as dancing, singing, acting, playing music, are able to be given a spotlight. However, English Days 2017’s distinctiveness from its predecessors lies in its purpose to explore and bring to light the beauty and timeless quality of local Indonesian folktales, as a lot of folktales from 34 Indonesian provinces have gone uncovered or simply forgotten along with the wraps of time. The tale of Lutung Kasarung was chosen as the primary material for the musical theatre performance because of its family-friendly atmosphere and the presence of animals as its characters, serving as the spot-on source of comical moments. Moreover, the tale allows a spacious room for everyone involved to explore and interpret the occurrences in the tale. Eighteen cast members, along with 130 members of the committee taking part in organizing this event, was able to deliver a splendid theatrical performance and crafted such a remarkable delight which stole a spot within the audiences’ hearts. A series of rehearsals was conducted among its cast members in the span of three months, from late August until early November, before delivering an exquisite, awe-inspiring performance that became a delight for its 800 audiences. For its 130 members of the committee and eighteen cast members, however, English Days 2017 was not only a delightful spectacle to be proud of, but a medium for self-cultivation and self-exploration, taking along with them experiences and lessons in working within an organization, the nuts and bolts of networking, and also leadership, responsibility, cooperation, professionalism, and the basics in show business. Not only that, they were also given a glimpse of the world of theatre, under the direct tutelage of Mr. Landung Simatupang.

English Days 2017 Events
English Days 2017 held a story telling competition which aimed to gain the popularity of folktales among students, especially to promote the lesser-known tales. Fifteen participants took part in this competition, enthusiasm and fiery determination was very much apparent in the participants, as seen from their properties, performances, and costumes. The second event held prior to the musical theater was a talk show which aimed to discuss the elements of myth and folklore in several movies. Not only does this talk show offers a general discussion on the elements, it also touched upon the subject of the significance of these elements in the society, and how these elements could contribute to the artistry of a film. The honorable speakers for this talk show session were Landung Simatupang, an acclaimed actor and director, best known for his notable performances in Filosofi Kopi 2, Sang Penari, and Garuda di Dadaku. Along with Mr. Landung was Prof. Dr. Ida Rochani Adi, a lecturer from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Pak Landung gave out some useful insights in regards to the topic from the perspective of an actor, meanwhile Bu Ida provided her own take of the topic from an academic perspective. Approximately, 300 participants attended the two sessions of this talk show - a discussion session followed by a session for Q&A. To complete the whole series of events, English Days also include English Fun Learning, a program that is conceived as a embodiment of the awareness and dedication from the students of English Department to the society. The program aims to improve the English language skills, especially among the younger generation. The program has been conducted in several places, including Kali Code in 2017. Kali Code was chosen because of its negligible learning facilities for children and its flood-prone location. True to its name, English Fun Learning is packed with a whole heap of fun activities for children such as playing games or making handicrafts.

English Days 2016
English Days 2016 tackled the theme of “Once Upon a Time at Ease”, heavily inspired by the widely-used phrase at the very beginning of almost every children’s tale: “Once upon a time ...” . This theme was chosen in hopes to ring a bell with the adult audiences, to reawaken the memories of their childhood of being read some of the local folktales by their parents when they were little. This also gives them a chance to revisit their beloved childhood folktales which - whether or not they acknowledge its significance - had played a role in forming their character through the values in the story. Along with that, it is also a chance of rediscovering the values found in folktales which helps oneself to act, speak, and make decisions accordingly. English Days 2016 performed a compilation of five popular tales, such as Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Maleficent, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Wizard of Oz, in the form of a musical theatre. Even though some alterations were made in either in the character’s name or the plot of each tale, the musical theatre was able to entertain and receive rave reviews from its audiences. This musical theatre, entitled “Into the Wonderland”, focused on Alice’s adventure in Wonderland. One day, Alice got a mission to save Wonderland from Maleficent with the help from Janet (The female version of Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk), Peter Pan, and Oz. In order to defeat Maleficent, Alice must read a story book which contained the all the tricks to defeat the vicious villain Maleficent. In addition, by choosing the theme, the English Days committee also aspired to increase children’s awareness on the importance of reading, especially in the present day. Through the series of events in English Days 2016, hopefully it could encourage children’s interest in reading books that are suitable for their age and help them to enjoy those books. Hence, the events in English Days 2016 are listed as follows: 1. Story-telling competition for Junior High School students 2. Creative writing competition 3. Charity (donating children books for Komunitas Jendela Yogyakarta) 4. English Days Musical Theatre “Into the Wonderland” To accommodate the scale of the event, English Days 2016’s committee was comprised of a total of 129 members, all of which were English Department students from 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Sports Communities; Basketball
In lieu to its vision in nurturing the talents of its students, English Department provides the opportunity for its students to show their talents and interests through several communities in various fields. One of which is English Department’s sports communities, such as the soccer, badminton, and basketball communities, which are ready to shelter and nurture the talents of the students in sports. As one of the aforementioned sports communities of English Department, this basketball team has achieved several accomplishments in SASPORTE, both by the male and female team. Led by Reynaldi as the captain, a weekly practice routine took place every Saturday.

Besides basketball, another sports community in English Department is the futsal team. It was first formed by some students who had interest in football before becoming a community of its own under IMAJI. The team participates for FIB's annual event of sports, which is SASPORTE. In SASPORTE, they often qualify to the semi final, once won the third position, and qualified to the final stage. Led by Ridho Muhammad Syahputra, the team routinely practices four times every month. The team occasionally arranges sparring with the futsal team from another study programs, such as French Literature and Indonesian Literature.

Art Communities
In lieu to its vision in nurturing the talents of its students, English Department provides the opportunity for its students to show their talents and interests through several communities in various fields. Excelling in the fields of arts are TERASI (Teater Sastra Inggris), a theatre community, ICETY (IMAJI Dance Community), a dance community, KOMBANTRIN (Komunitas Band Sastra Inggris), a band community, PRASASTI (Pradangga Sastra Inggris) a karawitan community, and Semata Wayang, a shadow puppet community. Performances in various occasions have been conducted by these art communities, most notably a collaborative performance in the annual English Days.

KOMBANTRIN, or Komunitas Band Sastra Inggris, is a community dedicated towards the members of the English Department whose love for music could only be rivaled by the love they have for their favored instrument. The community is open for everyone in English Department who wants to exercise their forte in playing music. KOMBANTRIN often performs for events held by the English Department, such as Artery, Sarasehan, and most notably, English Days. A practice session is held every Thursday evening. During their rehearsals, not only do they develop their music skill, but also their ability in leadership for each member will have a chance to instruct and assist each other in sharpening their musical talents. Presently, KOMBANTRIN is led by Muqsit Harjuno.

Terasi stands for Teater Sastra Inggris. As the name suggest, it is an art community of the English Department which mainly focuses on the fundamentals of theatrical performance. Taking its roots from Broadway, it also places its focus in the primary elements of a theatrical performance such as dance, music, and acting. The community’s purpose is to serve as a place for students who have interest in theaters and acting. Moreover, its special purpose is also to train the students for the annual event, English Days. Terasi’s regular practices usually consist of basic theatrical acting, such as mimicking, emotion, and vocal projection. Within the community, the students also learn about stage management and stage direction, by occupying positions such as stage manager, sound man, lighting department, etc. Terasi annually performs at English Days and other English Department’s in-house events such as Artery and Sarasehan.

Icety (IMAJI Dance Community) is a dancing community of the English Department. The member of the community consists of English Department students keen on learning the art of traditional and/or modern dancing. The essential purpose of this community is to serve as a vessel in building up the students’ talent and interest in dancing. Icety occasionally performs in English Department’s events such as English Days, Sarasehan, Sasing Night Out, and Artery.

Pradangga Sastra Inggris is a community of English Department students bound by their fondness for traditional gamelan music. Pradangga Sastra Inggris, or commonly known as Prasasti, was formed in 2011.

Various achievements have been obtained by English Department students, mostly in the field of cultural arts. In 2012, 31 students from English Department performed as one group of Kecak Dancers at Tapestry Of Colours Concert: Roots of Heritage in Malaysia. Supervised by Mr. Eddy Pursubaryanto, one of the English Department lecturers, this group successfully passed two stages of elimination before being appointed to perform in the event. Furthermore, Prasasti as the karawitan community of English Department also performed at Ensemble of Gamelan in Malaysia. Both events are held together in one annual event named Festival of Colours of the World (FESCO), held by Universiti Teknologi Petronas Malaysia. A year afterwards, Prasasti was once again given the incredible honour of performing in Ensemble of Gamelan 2013


IMAJI 2018: Churchill's Cabinet

The Cabinet Structure of IMAJI 2018

Students' Activities

Students' Activities

Alumni Talk

English Days

English Days 2017

English Days 2017 Events

English Days 2016

Sports Communities; Basketball


Art Communities




